I know it has been a while, I am sorry for not sharing the many thoughts I've had sooner. But, as the title of this blog entry implies, I am having a hard time figuring out how to balance everything in my life right now.
The sad thing is, I don’t have that much going on, I know that:
• I have a job that demands a normal amount of time and dedication – no crazy 60 hours a week job like some of my friends have (you know who you are ;o)
• I am married – no kids. And my hubby is great at helping out with the work around the house so I don’t feel overwhelmed.
• I have a dog – who is not a puppy anymore.
• I (we) own a house that has lots of projects – but none of the projects need to be done right away.
See, no craziness that would completely overwhelm me to the point that I completely shut down and feel like I can’t do anything. Well, wrong! I feel completely overwhelmed right now, and the only solution I can come up with is becoming a workaholic.
Wikipedia defines a workaholic, as a person who is addicted to work. So with the goal in mind of becoming "addicted to work" I have made a plan. Here is a weekly schedule I created in order to achieve this goal:
Monday – Friday:
5:00 AM:
Running with the dog - I've read (and heard) that if you work out in the AM you have more energy during the day)
6:00 AM:
Get ready for work and have breakfast
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM:
Arrive at work an hour early, so I can get a lot of work done! Have a 30 minute lunch, so not to waste time with useless things, like food. Stay at work an extra hour, to get even more work done.
7:00 PM:
Get home and take the dog to the dog park. While at the park playing with the dog, plan dinner so I can get home and start making it right away, so not to waste time.
8:00 PM:
Have dinner while I am cleaning the kitchen, folding laundry, sweeping the floor, vacuuming, or whatever else needs to be done.
9:00 PM:
Work on a house project - finishing painting the master bedroom, guest bedroom, all molding and doors.
10:00 PM:
Write a blog entry and spend some quality time with Hubby.
11:00 PM:
Plan the next day's outfit so not to waste time. Then go to bed, as close to 11pm as possible.
6:00 AM:
Running with the dog - I've read (and heard) that if you work out in the AM you have more energy during the day)
7:00 – 9:00 AM:
Clean house, completely, from top to bottom.
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM:
Help Hubby with the front and back yard work. 30 minutes for lunch - no need to waste time, even on Saturday.
2:00 – 6:00 PM:
Work on a house project - finishing painting the master bedroom, guest bedroom, all molding and doors.
7:00 PM:
Take the dog to the dog park. While at the park playing with the dog, plan dinner so I can get home and start making it right away, so not to waste time.
8:00 – 11:00 PM:
Have dinner, clean the kitchen, then go to the craft room. Stay there doing all kinds of projects until I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Go to bed then.
6:00 AM:
Running with the dog - I've read (and heard) that if you work out in the AM you have more energy during the day)
7:00 – 9:00 AM:
Breakfast, and work on any house project that needs attention, inside or out.
10:00 AM:
Get ready for church.
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM:
Church and lunch. I am allowing myself an hour lunch today - come on, it is Sunday.
2:00 PM – 7:00 PM:
Do work for my job. I want to be prepared for the week.
7:00 PM:
Take the dog to the dog park. While at the park playing with the dog, plan dinner so I can get home and start making it right away, so not to waste time.
8:00 PM – 11:00 PM:
Have dinner, clean the kitchen, then go to the craft room. Stay there doing all kinds of projects until I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Go to bed then. Oh, and let's not forget - write a blog entry.
Doesn’t this sound like a great plan?