Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Help Me Be a Workaholic

I know it has been a while, I am sorry for not sharing the many thoughts I've had sooner. But, as the title of this blog entry implies, I am having a hard time figuring out how to balance everything in my life right now.

The sad thing is, I don’t have that much going on, I know that:
• I have a job that demands a normal amount of time and dedication – no crazy 60 hours a week job like some of my friends have (you know who you are ;o)
• I am married – no kids. And my hubby is great at helping out with the work around the house so I don’t feel overwhelmed.
• I have a dog – who is not a puppy anymore.
• I (we) own a house that has lots of projects – but none of the projects need to be done right away.

See, no craziness that would completely overwhelm me to the point that I completely shut down and feel like I can’t do anything. Well, wrong! I feel completely overwhelmed right now, and the only solution I can come up with is becoming a workaholic.

Wikipedia defines a workaholic, as a person who is addicted to work. So with the goal in mind of becoming "addicted to work" I have made a plan. Here is a weekly schedule I created in order to achieve this goal:

Monday – Friday:
5:00 AM:
Running with the dog - I've read (and heard) that if you work out in the AM you have more energy during the day)
6:00 AM:
Get ready for work and have breakfast
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM:
Arrive at work an hour early, so I can get a lot of work done! Have a 30 minute lunch, so not to waste time with useless things, like food. Stay at work an extra hour, to get even more work done.
7:00 PM:
Get home and take the dog to the dog park. While at the park playing with the dog, plan dinner so I can get home and start making it right away, so not to waste time.
8:00 PM:
Have dinner while I am cleaning the kitchen, folding laundry, sweeping the floor, vacuuming, or whatever else needs to be done.
9:00 PM:
Work on a house project - finishing painting the master bedroom, guest bedroom, all molding and doors.
10:00 PM:
Write a blog entry and spend some quality time with Hubby.
11:00 PM:
Plan the next day's outfit so not to waste time. Then go to bed, as close to 11pm as possible.

6:00 AM:
Running with the dog - I've read (and heard) that if you work out in the AM you have more energy during the day)
7:00 – 9:00 AM:
Clean house, completely, from top to bottom.
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM:
Help Hubby with the front and back yard work. 30 minutes for lunch - no need to waste time, even on Saturday.
2:00 – 6:00 PM:
Work on a house project - finishing painting the master bedroom, guest bedroom, all molding and doors.
7:00 PM:
Take the dog to the dog park. While at the park playing with the dog, plan dinner so I can get home and start making it right away, so not to waste time.
8:00 – 11:00 PM:
Have dinner, clean the kitchen, then go to the craft room. Stay there doing all kinds of projects until I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Go to bed then.

6:00 AM:
Running with the dog - I've read (and heard) that if you work out in the AM you have more energy during the day)
7:00 – 9:00 AM:
Breakfast, and work on any house project that needs attention, inside or out.
10:00 AM:
Get ready for church.
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM:
Church and lunch. I am allowing myself an hour lunch today - come on, it is Sunday.
2:00 PM – 7:00 PM:
Do work for my job. I want to be prepared for the week.
7:00 PM:
Take the dog to the dog park. While at the park playing with the dog, plan dinner so I can get home and start making it right away, so not to waste time.
8:00 PM – 11:00 PM:
Have dinner, clean the kitchen, then go to the craft room. Stay there doing all kinds of projects until I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Go to bed then. Oh, and let's not forget - write a blog entry.

Doesn’t this sound like a great plan?



  1. yea, spending "quality time with the hubby" means that the hubby will be awake at 10 PM. He will be asleep by then.

    I love ya kiddo, but i don't see you sticking to this by any means whatsoever. Just keep doing what you have been and enjoy life with me as we always have.

  2. If you truly want to stick to this schedule I suggest Crystal Meth.
    your favorite brother in Law.

  3. Ok, Jon and Matt could at least encourage your effort. I applaud your schedule (unrealistic as it may be :). At least you have a schedule. My life is ridiculous. Can you write me as schedule?


